Radon Resources


Radon is a naturally occuring radioactive and toxic gas that forms from the decay of uranium and radium in the soil. It is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States (behind only smoking) and is harmful in high concentrations. It can seep into buildings through cracks and gaps in a building’s foundation. Indoor concentrations tend to be higher during the winter due to a lack of natural ventilation when heating your building. It is estimated that 50% of homes in Colorado have high radon levels. The only way to know if your home is safe is to do radon testing.

Walking Mountains has free radon test kits! You can see if your exposure levels are higher than the EPA recommended action level of 4.0 pCi/L (picocuries per liter, a measurement of the concentration of radioactive particles in air). You can pick up test kits at the following locations:

  • Walking Mountains Science Center – 318 Walking Mountains Ln, Avon
  • Eagle County Environmental Health Desk – 551 Broadway St, Eagle
  • Eagle County Public Health. 100 W. Beaver Creek Blvd #107, Avon. Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm
  • El Jebel Community Center – 20 Eagle County Rd, El Jebel
  • If you are unable to pick up a test kit at any of these locations, please contact us at 970.328.8777 to talk about your options for receiving a kit.


We will help guide you through the process of testing, finding a contractor to install a mitigation system, and help assist you with our rebate program so you can receive some money back for installing a radon mitigation system. *A Home Energy Assessment through Walking Mountains is required to qualify for any rebates.

Please contact us with any questions you may have about radon and testing, how to get a Home Energy Assessment, and our associated rebates! You can also read the additional resources below to learn more about radon and what you need to do if your home has high radon levels.

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Information about Radon in Colorado

Risks of Radon Information Sheet

Citizens Guide to Radon

Health Professionals Radon Guide

Real Estate Guide to Radon

How to Fix Your Home Guide

Colorado Low-Income Radon Mitigation Assistance Program