Colorado Rebates & Incentives

Your Eagle County, Colorado, Energy Rebate Checklist

  1. Schedule a Home Energy Assessment or Business Energy Walk-Through
    (If you have had an Assessment or Walk-Through in the past you do not need to conduct a second one to apply for rebates)
  2. Connect with an Energy Coach from Walking Mountains to answer questions and plan your project in Eagle County to maximize available Colorado rebates and incentives
  3. Review Colorado rebate requirements for your project
  4. Fill out the Colorado rebate application (before starting your project)
  5. Provide photos/documentation
  6. Explore additional Colorado energy rebates available from local utility partner


If you would prefer to explore all of our Colorado rebate options as a PDF please click HERE.

Colorado Rebates Available

Colorado energy rebates are valid for the entire Eagle River Valley.

$1,000/year Residential Rebate

$7,500/year Business/Multifamily Building Rebate


Solar PV Rebates

Walking Mountains will match the rebate incentive you receive from Holy Cross Energy for grid-tied and net metered solar PV installations, up to $1,000. Eligible areas include Town of Vail, Town of Avon, Edwards Metro District, Town of Eagle, and Unincoprorated Eagle County.

*Stipulations apply and solar rebates are not available for all Eagle County residents.

ReEnergize Eagle County

Affordable Energy for ALL

We strive to provide inclusive access to energy efficiency programs and increased support for income-qualified households. Qualifying households may receive up to $7,500 towards home improvements.
> Max household income of 150% Area Median Income (AMI)
> FREE comprehensive Home Energy Assessment
> FREE weatherization, efficiency, and electrification upgrades

Municipality Specific Colorado Energy Incentives (Vail, Avon, Eagle, and unincorporated Eagle County)

Many towns and municipalities throughout Eagle County are offering increased rebates and incentives including the Town of Vail, Town of Avon, Unincorporated Eagle County and Town of Eagle.